Doorways and Leading Lines: Creating Welcoming Photography

While I service clients with all sorts of backgrounds and needs, the vast majority in part or in whole are looking to sell an experience. For the hospitality industry, this means selling individual rooms and activities. For property owners, this means selling a building and its location. For architecture and construction agencies, this means selling the expertise of architecture. With first impressions being vital, I often take special time to focus on entrances for their outsized effects on viewers, making them great tools for all my clients.


Doorway and Threshold Photography

Entrances are a powerful visual for everyone, your clients and target demographics included. From exterior shots of the front entrance of your new construction to an open door into one of your hotel’s rooms, these shots encompass the “first impression” that viewers will get. Depending on your needs, these can fulfill multiple goals:

  • Welcoming: Invite the viewer into your architecture! From open doors into a home to thresholds into individual rooms, these create accessible spaces and feelings.

  • Inspiring: From foyers to backyards, a door opening onto an open space, a landscape, or another impressive view can help inspire awe in your work or location.

  • Exploratory: Make viewers excited to turn to the next photo or website page of your works by providing this sense of discovery and exploration.

All About Leading Lines

One of the tools of composition for professional photographers, leading lines are paths – sometimes literal lines – that a viewer’s eye follows in photography. When used properly, these lines lead the viewer towards elements within the image that you want them to follow.


These leading lines can be almost anything, but paths are usually the easiest. This means doorways and other thresholds are natural focal points for leading lines. Especially combined with other techniques such as perspective control and framing.

Applying This Photography to Your Marketing

During this time of COVID-19, many businesses are looking to get more mileage out of current projects or locations to showcase their expertise. These types of shots are great resources for website pages and social media posts, even including an open door on your “Contact Us” page as a call to action.


Even through the Coronavirus pandemic, Shupe Studios is helping businesses get the photography they need, with the proper protective equipment, social distancing, and electronic data transfer. If you’re interested in professional architectural photography to draw in your customers, contact ShupeStudios today.